Sunday, January 19, 2014


Eighty Year old Sister Maiwiriwiri is a tried and true "Mormon".
When she was the only female member of the church in Taveuni
she started her own Relief Society.  Elder McFadden was
instructed to act as the Relief Society President.
Sister Maiwiriwiri gathered the women in her village and began
teaching them homemaking skills.  The village chief was pleased and
started sending women to Relief Society to learn homemaking skills.
Her husband drowned while they were serving a mission in Fiji.
Upon hearing he was dead she looked to heaven and
asked Heavenly Father to help her raise her children.
 She claims that he did.

Brother Koroca was told he would have to leave his village
if he joined the church.
He chose to join the church.
He moved his family to the top of the mountain and
began farming on his uncle's farm.
He helped the missionaries teach the gospel to his father and mother.
They joined the church along with all of his brothers and sisters.
Now they are all preparing to go to the temple.


Elder McFadden baptized Mitimiti when he first served as
a missionary in Taveuni.  She raised her family and sent
three sons on missions.
Jerry is the same age Elder McFadden was when
his mother was baptized.  He is serving as a
missionary in Ghana.  Mitimiti died a few months
after this picture was taken.  Heart broken, Jerry
said that serving his mission was more important
than returning home to attend his mother's funeral.
He chose to pay tribute to his mother
 by continuing to serve an honorable
 mission for the Savior.

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