Wednesday, January 1, 2014


 2013 and 2014 at the International Date Line
 Cleaning up natures New Years Eve
Party decorations
Contemplating the New Year
 Dressed in their finest clothing
Beating the drums to welcome a New Year
Standing on the International Date line in the year 2013 and 2014 at the
same time made us realize how quickly our time in Fiji is passing.
From January 1 to January 18 the villagers enjoy celebrating the
New Year by throwing water on each other and beating drums.
On the last day of the celebration the village members
dress in their finest clothes and beat their drums
down the road parade style while welcoming the
New Year.
Our New Years goal is to show more gratitude for the
opportunity we have to share our testimonies
of Jesus Christ and His Gospel
in Taveuni. 

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