Sunday, July 21, 2013


 Sister Tulia and her granddaughter sharing lunch.

 Elder McFadden, Elder and Sister Kennerly

 Priesthood and Sunday School
 Relief Society
 Young Women
 Entrance to the Chapel


Today we met Sister Nanise Tulia.  Sister Tulia lives in a very modest home on a small piece of ground near Vuna in Taveuni.   She has been a member of the church for two years.  It was hard for her to speak with us but she indicated that she understood everything we said.  A sweet woman in her 60’s.  Last year she donated her yard for the meeting house of the Vuna branch. Each Sunday her yard becomes the entire church house.  Priesthood is held under one tree.  Young Men go under another tree.  Young Women are under another tree close to the Young Men.  Relief Society has chairs and they meet under a different tree.  Primary gets the enclosed area for half of the time and then the children and their two leaders move into the house for the remainder of Primary.  Part of the yard became an open air enclosed deck with a podium.  This is where the members in the branch hold Sacrament meeting.  The sacrament is passed very reverently by handsome young Aaronic Priesthood holders.  The songs are sung without accompaniment and the talks are given without a microphone.  The spirit bears witness that this is the beginning of good things to come in the Vuna branch.
Book of Mormon
1 Nephi 7:12
"Yea and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him?  Wherefore let us be faithful to him."


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