Wednesday, January 1, 2014


 Members of the Fisher family
returning from the farm

 Keyboarding Students 
One day old Jeremiah Koroca

 Gathering packages from the boat
 Checking a water tank

The "Big Boat"
Our days are full of fun activities like helping people
learn keyboarding skills, taking new babies home from the hospital,
checking water tanks and collecting packages from the Big Boat.
Sometimes we wonder how we are able to travel so far and
do so much in just one day.
The work never ends.
Brother Koroca called us on Saturday and asked us to meet
him at the hospital.  When we arrived we were introduced to
a new member of the Koroca family, Jeremiah,  who was
named after the missionary who shared the gospel with the
Koroca family, Elder Jeremiah Gardner.
Helping the Koroca family take their new son home filled our day
with joy.  Especially when Brother Koroca said,
"I just love the gospel. 
 Reading the Book of Mormon
makes me happy."
The Koroca family will seal their family together in April at
the Suva temple.

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