Saturday, June 28, 2014




Banana Blossom

New Banana Bunches

Maturing Banana Bunches

Banana Bunch ready to Ripen
It is fun to watch bananas grow in our backyard.
 It takes three months for the
banana bunch to grow from blossom to
table ready ripe banana.


Visiting the Suva Temple with
Brother and Sister Ranama and Brother and Sister

Somosomo Branch Temple Group

Elder McFadden at the
Fijian Museum display of a boat made in Nuei

Guarding the Queens House in Suva

Sister McFadden at the Suva Adult Playground

Elder McFadden standing by his new mission "Toy"

Waiting in the Nadi Airport

Friend or Foe?
This was a special trip to Suva to help a couple
go through the temple for the first time. The Suva
Temple is a on a beautiful hill overlooking the harbor.